Roasted Garlic & Rosemary Babaganoush

Hello everyone! So today’s recipe is a super quick, super simple, super delicious one & a super loved one. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t just LOVE babaganoush? I whipped us up a batch last night and it’s nearly already finished! And to put that into perspective, there are only two of us living in the house at the moment. Yep. It’s real.



This is one of those perfect go-to recipes because it takes minutes to whip together (excluding the cooking time for the eggplants) and is so delicious served with sourdough bread, avocado & sun-dried tomatoes OR even just as is with veggies. For dinner we had it all – sourdough slices slathered with the dip, topped with avo & sun-dried toms, a big veggie salad & freshly cooked corn on the cob (it’s especially good with corn on the cob). It is also oil-free, gluten-free, vegan and just YAS.

I am currently writing this recipe up an hour before my exam, so excuse my lack of elaboration today, but a girl’s gotta hustle. Especially if I want to revise my notes before getting there. Love where my priorities are at. Hah.




·      3 medium eggplants

·      2-3 tablespoons of tahini

·      4 cloves of garlic

·      4.5 tablespoons of lemon juice

·      2 tablespoons of hot water

·      1 tablespoon of miso paste

·      2 stalks of fresh rosemary

·      1 teaspoon maple syrup

·      1 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt

·      Pepper to taste



1.    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

2.    Cut the eggplants lengthways in half and place on parchment paper, on a baking tray. Place the garlic cloves alongside the eggplants as well as one of the sprigs of rosemary. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown and the “flesh” of the eggplant is soft. If you aren’t oil-free, you can coat them with a bit of coconut oil before placing them in the oven.

3.    Once cooked, take them out and scoop out the “flesh”, place it into a food processor. Add the tahini, salt, lemon juice, syrup, pepper and roasted garlic cloves as well as the roasted rosemary leaves (stripping them off the stalk). Blend well.

4.    Now mix the miso paste with the warm water and add this to the lot. Strip the other sprig of fresh rosemary and chop the leaves a bit. Add to the processor and blend until smooth and tasty.

5.    VOILA! NOTE: we actually love the eggplant skins, so we keep them and use them as “vegetable skin taco shells”, load them with salad, avo, babaganoush and whatever else your heart desires and enjoy. SECOND NOTE: amounts may vary depending on the size of your eggplants so adjust according to your taste.
